It’s one thing to have a website or a blog, and it’s another to make it a full time job by creating revenue from it. However, it can be difficult at times to create revenue from just your website alone. Even though it may be difficult, it’s not impossible and there are a ton of ways to set it up. Check out a few ways to create revenue on your website.

Using a Secondary-Ticket Integration.

If you’re wondering what on earth that means, keep reading. By adding a secondary ticket integration, you’ll be able to offer your business additional income-generating potential. If your business involves music, sports, theater or any type of live entertainment, you can have access to an application programming interface, or API, that allows for any web property to show event tickets to their visitors no matter how big or small.

Add a Company Newsletter.

If you don’t offer a free product such as an e-newsletter on your site in exchange for visitors’ email addresses, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to generate both new sales and more traffic. By offering an option to sign up for your company’s newsletter on your site, you can request that recipients provide their email address in exchange for it. That way, you’re able to promote products and services more effectively.

Provide a feedback section.

By using customer-feedback tools onto your website, you’re giving your visitors the opportunity for direct qualitative feedback, which can ultimately help your company. There’s a wide range of feedback tools available for integration, from crowdsourcing product-opinion software like UserVoice to simple page feedback tools such as Five Second Test or concept tools like Userlytics feedback tools.

Sharing Capabilities

Maintaining an active social-media presence is easily one of the best and most effective ways to drive new traffic to your site — and in the process identify and capture new customers to grow your revenue base. At a minimum, you’ll want to include links to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn that are easily accessible from your home page and other key areas of your site. This will allow readers to share your content with their own networks, generating more eyeballs for your messaging with no additional push from you.

Utilize Affiliate or Partner Programs

Once you have a steady and reliable stream of traffic going to your website, then it’s time to get serious with your monetization efforts. One of the best ways to do this is utilizing affiliate marketing, which involves partnering with another company to advertise certain products on their website that may be related to your areas of specialization (or vice versa). This, in turn, will help their business and also offer another avenue for you to promote your business.

Regardless of how you choose to monetize your website, any way you choose will benefit you in some way, shape, or form. For additional questions or strategies on how to monetize your website, feel free to call us today to speak with one of our marketing associates.